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Comprehensive Process: One-on-One Main Essay Development: Crafting a Personalized and Compelling Application Essay  thumbnail

Comprehensive Process: One-on-One Main Essay Development: Crafting a Personalized and Compelling Application Essay

Published Oct 19, 23
4 min read

Unleashing Your College Application Potential with One-on-One Guidance

Entering the college application process can be daunting for high school graduates. The pressure to craft a compelling essay, stand out among the competition, and secure a spot at their preferred institution can feel overwhelming. Luckily, students from Westfield, NJ, have access to a valuable resource: New Bridge Educational Consulting. With their extensive expertise and personalized approach, New Bridge is dedicated to assisting students in unleashing their full potential and achieving admissions success.

College Application Essay Assistance: Overview and Benefits

Your college application essay is your chance to showcase your unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations to admission committees. However, crafting a standout essay requires skill, guidance, and expertise. This is where New Bridge Educational Consulting steps in. They offer comprehensive college application essay assistance to help students navigate the essay writing process and create compelling essays that highlight their strengths.

At New Bridge Educational Consulting, their team provides one-on-one support for developing personalized application essays. They educate students on the genre of application essays, assist in brainstorming topics, outline the essay structure, guide the editing process, and provide feedback from a national-level writer. Through their tailored approach, they ensure that each student's essay accurately represents their unique voice and resonates with the admissions committee.

College Application Essay Writing: A Comprehensive Process

The process of writing a college application essay can be overwhelming. However, with the guidance of New Bridge Educational Consulting's experienced counselors, it becomes a manageable and enriching experience. From topic selection to final revisions, their team provides the necessary support to maximize the potential of each student's application essay.

1. Educating Students on the Genre: Understanding the expectations and requirements of a college application essay is crucial. New Bridge's counselors provide valuable insights into the genre, helping students grasp the essential elements necessary for a compelling essay.

2. Brainstorming Topics: Identifying a captivating topic that reflects a student's unique experiences, values, and passions is vital. The counselors at New Bridge assist in brainstorming ideas and narrowing down potential topics, fostering creativity and self-reflection.

3. Outlining: Creating a well-structured outline is the foundation of a successful essay. The team at New Bridge helps students organize their thoughts and ideas, ensuring a logical flow and coherence throughout the essay.

4. Editing and Feedback: Writing is a process of continuous refinement. New Bridge's consultants provide valuable feedback on style, voice, grammar, and content, helping students polish their essays and make a lasting impression on admission committees.

The Role of College Essay Review and Expert Evaluation

For high school graduates who have already written their college application essay, seeking expert evaluation can be beneficial. New Bridge Educational Consulting offers a college essay review service, providing valuable feedback and insights to enhance the quality of an already written essay.

New Bridge's essay review service goes beyond basic proofreading. Their expert reviewers, Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling, bring their professional writing and admissions knowledge to the process. They provide detailed feedback on style, voice, clarity, and story logic, helping students strengthen their essays and stand out among their peers.

A renowned figure in the field of college application essays, Harry Bauld, also contributes his expertise to New Bridge Educational Consulting's essay coaching. Bauld, the author of the acclaimed book "On Writing the College Application Essay," offers invaluable insights and strategies to help students craft compelling and authentic essays.

Getting Your Best College Essay: Maximizing Your Application

The college application process is highly competitive, and a well-crafted essay can be the differentiating factor that sets an applicant apart. By utilizing the comprehensive services offered by New Bridge Educational Consulting, Westfield high school graduates can position themselves for admissions success.

Through their personalized guidance and expert feedback, New Bridge aims to help students submit their best essays. By presenting their unique stories, experiences, and aspirations in a compelling manner, students can capture the attention of admission committees and increase their chances of acceptance.

In addition to their college application essay assistance, New Bridge also assists students with writing unique supplementary essays required by selective colleges. Their collaborative and holistic approach ensures that each student receives individualized counseling tailored to their specific needs and goals.

How can New Bridge Educational Consulting help me with my college application essay?

New Bridge Educational Consulting offers personalized, one-on-one guidance for developing your college application essay. They provide support in every stage of the writing process, including educating you on the genre, brainstorming topics, outlining, editing, and feedback from expert writers. They also offer assistance with supplementary essays required by selective colleges.

What is the role of the college essay review service provided by New Bridge?

New Bridge offers a college essay review service for students who have already written an essay and want expert feedback. They provide detailed feedback on style, voice, clarity, and story logic to help you strengthen your essay and make a lasting impression on admission committees.
Essay Writing Strategies

College Application Essay Assistance - Insights from an Award-Winning Author: Harry Bauld's Contribution to Essay Coaching of College Application Essay Assistance, New Bridge Education Consulting

Essay Writing Strategies Insights from an Award-Winning Author: Harry Bauld's Contribution to Essay Coaching of College Application Essay Assistance, New Bridge Education Consulting
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Essay Writing Prompts: Expert Reviewers: Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling's Insights and Feedback

Insights from an Award-Winning Author: Harry Bauld's Contribution to Essay Coaching of College Application Essay Assistance, New Bridge Education Consulting

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